Citrix XenServer

A value leader in the virtualization space, XenServer is an open source platform for cloud, server and desktop virtualization infrastructures. Organizations of any size can install XenServer in less than 10 minutes to virtualize even the most demanding workloads and automate management processes, thereby increasing IT flexibility and agility and lowering TCO.

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VMware vSphere

A vast majority of modern businesses rely on virtualization to help them scale more efficiently and cut hardware costs. And today, VMware vSphere is the most advanced and prominent server virtualization product on the market. But if you’re new to virtualization and VMware’s product line, your first question might be, “What is vSphere?” Understanding what vSphere does and how it fits into the big picture of your virtualization environment will help your company keep up with high processing and storage demands.

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Microsoft Hyper-V

Hyper-V is Microsoft's hardware virtualization product. It lets you create and run a software version of a computer, called a virtual machine. Each virtual machine acts like a complete computer, running an operating system and programs. When you need computing resources, virtual machines give you more flexibility, help save time and money, and are a more efficient way to use hardware than just running one operating system on physical hardware.

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